Wednesday, December 26, 2007

No Chance!

Yesterday, my "Critical Mass" deck squared off against Karen's "Saviors/Azorius" deck two times.

Game 1
I risked keeping a hand with one mana and a bunch of really good two-mana spells. To make a long story short, I never managed to play a spell the entire game. Series record: 0-1

Game 2
Karen used her arsenal of control spells early in the game, including Minister of Impediments, Cage of Hands, Freed from the Real and Plumes of Peace to stop all of my attackers in their tracks. Later in the game, when I finally built up a swarm for a giant attack, Karen killed all of my creatures at once with her Hail of Arrows. The only thing that improved in this game from the last one was that I was able to actually play a spell! Series record: 0-2

"Critical Mass" record: 0-2
"Critical Mass" record vs. Karen: 0-2
"Critical Mass" record vs. "Saviors/Azorius": 0-2

P.S.: Karen's "Saviors/Azorius" only has two Plumes of Peace in it!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Swarm vs. Anti-White Creature!

Yesterday, my "White" deck squared off against Adam's "Rat Discard" deck six times.

Game 1
I got too many creatures out for Adam to stop. Thanks to Spirit Loop, I was at 34 life at the end of the game. Series record: 1-0

Game 2
Yet again, I swarmed Adam for an fast victory. Series Record: 2-0

Game 3
Adam greatly slowed down my swarm of white creatures using his Hand of Cruelty. I suffered a slow, but painful death. Series Record: 2-1

Game 4
Like the previous game, Adam got out a Hand of Cruelty, but this time, I had too many fliers for him to stop. Series Record: 3-1

Game 5
Adam mulliganed his hand all the way down to a couple cards, but he still managed to get my life total down to 1 using this time two Hand of Cruelties before I barely scraped away with a victory. Series Record: 4-1

Game 6
This game was all Adam as he managed to get out three Hand of Cruelties. I had no chance to win this one at all. Series Record: 4-2

"White" record: 4-2
"White" record vs. Adam: 4-2
"White" record vs. "Rat Discard": 4-2

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Today, my "Goblin Burn" deck squared off against Jared's "Azorius" deck. I started out with a very mana heavy hand, but I was lucky enough to draw some quick creatures and burn spells. Jared, on the other hand, was on a complete mana shortage (he was only able to play two Plains in his first four turns). Despite Jared's sub-par mana supply in the early game, he was still able to get out two quick Beacon Hawks. I was able to get rid of one of them with my Shock and the other one was used by Jared as a blocker. After a while, I was able to whittle Jared's life total down to 8. When I drew Blaze on the following turn, I thought I had won because I had enough mana to get Jared down to 1 with Blaze and I had one more attacker than he had blockers. Jared was able to prolong the game an extra two turns though thanks to his two Valor Made Reals. I was finally able to finish Jared off though when I drew the ninth land needed to completely get Jared's life total down to 0 with my Blaze.
"Goblin Burn" record: 1-0
"Goblin Burn" record vs. Jared: 1-0
"Goblin Burn" record vs. "Azorius": 1-0

P.S.: I made sure that Jared's "Azorius" deck had only one Plumes of Peace in it before the game started! He never ended up drawing it.

P.S.S.: Actually, Jared's "Azorius" deck had two Plumes of Peace in it at the time.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sacraficed Saproling Swarm!

Today, my "Fungus" deck squared off against Sam's "Blue-Black" deck. I opened with two Thallids that managed two get in a few points of damage before Sam used a Dark Banishing on one and tapped his Prodigal Sorcerer to kill the other one. Luckily, I was able to get out a few saprolings in the time it took Sam to kill my two Thallids. Sam tried to follow by adding two Drudge Skeletons and a Stormscape Familiar to his army, but I was able to kill all three of his newly played creatures as well as his Prodigal Sorcerer using my Feebleness, Sudden Death and Deathspore Thallid. After killing Sam's creatures, I continued making saprolings, now at an increased pace thanks to my Sporoloth Ancient. I enchanted a Fallen Ideal to my Deathspore Thallid and attacked for fourteen damage, finishing Sam off.
"Fungus" record: 2-0
"Fungus" record vs. Sam: 1-0
"Fungus" record vs. "Blue-Black": 1-0

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Controlling the Unstoppable!

Today, my "Blue" deck squared off against Jared's "Rakdos" deck. For most of the game, we each did what our two decks did best. For me, that meant countering his spells and permanently tapping his creatures. For Jared, that meant burning and killing any creature I played before it even had a chance to ask to be spared (I'm pretty sure the answer would have been no anyways though, even if they had a chance to ask the question). After a while, I was left with an Urza's Armor, a bunch of lands and no cards left in my hand. On the other hand, Jared was left with four permanently tapped creatures, a bunch of lands and no cards left in his hand. Luckily for Jared, he actually had a use for his lands since one of his four tapped creatures was a Rakdos Guildmage. On each of his turns, Jared used his Rakdos Guildmage to produce goblin tokens that would attack me for points of damage. Despite only taking one damage from each of Jared's attacking goblins thanks to my Urza's Armor, his goblins still took my life total down to 2. Jared played a Galvanic Arc to finish me off.
"Blue" record: 0-1
"Blue" record vs. Jared: 0-1
"Blue" record vs. "Rakdos": 0-1

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Double Hellbent!

Two days ago, my "Izzet" deck squared off against Adam's "Discard" deck. In the beginning, I was able to get rid of of his early threats, including his Undertaker and Gobhobler Rats, using my Pyromatics and Steamcore Weird. The only problem was I wasn't able to kill off Adam's late game threats, Demon's Jester and Jaya Ballard, Task Mage. The bad got worse when Adam enchanted Demon's Jester with a Taste for Mayhem to go hellbent, giving an 8/3 flyer that hit me with eight damage (of course). Luckily, I took out his Demon's Jester on the following turn with a triple damage Pyromatics that I had returned to my hand on the previous turn with Izzet Chronarch. The damage had already been done though. Adam finished me off with Jaya Ballard, Task Mage's second ability.
"Izzet" record: 0-1
"Izzet" record vs. Adam: 0-1
"Izzet" record vs. "Discard": 0-1

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Too Many Plumes of Peace!

Today, my "Unraveling Mind" deck squared off against Adam's "Azorius" deck. I was able to burn/kill all of his creatures except for his seemingly harmless Azorius First-Wing (at least it seemed that way at the time). I thought I would be able to make up the two damage Azorius First-Wing was dealing to me each turn when I got out two Trespasser il-Vecs and two Gorgon Recluses, but Adam quickly squelched my hopes when he enchanted three of the four with Plumes of Peace and stopped the remaining one each turn with his Prahv, Spires of Order. Meanwhile, Adam kept attacking with his Azorius First-Wing, chipping away two of my life each turn until it hit zero. After the game, I asked to see Adam's deck. While looking through it, I found five Plumes of Peace! This gave Adam an automatic D.Q. for the game, giving me the unpredictable victory.
"Unraveling Mind" record: 1-0
"Unraveling Mind" record vs. Adam: 1-0
"Unraveling Mind" record vs. "Azorius": 1-0

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Supercharged Saproling Swarm!

Today, my "Fungus" deck squared off against Adam's "Goblin" deck. Adam got of to a good start with three Goblin Cohorts, two Mogg War Marshals, a Mogg Sentry and an Akki Coalflinger. The tables turned though when I unmorphed a Thelonite Hermite and enchanted it with Verdant Embrace, giving me a horde of 2/2 saprolings. I swarmed him with nine 2/2 saprolings for the victory.
"Fungus" record: 1-0
"Fungus" record vs. Adam: 1-0
"Fungus" record vs. "Goblin": 1-0