Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mass Kill and Bounce Kill!

Today, my "Suspended Sentence" deck squared off against Sam's "Selesnya" deck. Sam started out by playing a Thallid, a Watchwolf and two saprolings, which all attacked me for points of damage. On my fifth turn though, my Riftwing Cloudskate came out of suspend and returned Reality Acid to my hand. In doing so, Watchwolf was sacrificed. During my main phase of that same turn, I played Festering March, which killed all of Sam's remaining creatures (since they were all 1/1). Sam never recovered from that turn, as he found himself stuck on two mana for most of the game.
"Suspended Sentence" record: 3-1
"Suspended Sentence" record vs. Sam: 1-0
"Suspended Sentence" record vs. "Selesnya": 1-0

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