Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fire in the Labs!

Today, my "Izzet" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Madness" deck. I played an early Wee Dragonauts, but Chiraag instantly burned it with his Lightning Axe. After that, I found myself very short on creatures, which was very unfortunate because Chiraag quickly built up a swarm of four creatures, Mirri the Cursed, Nightshade Assassin, Trespasser il-Vec and Reckless Worm. I used Pyromatics to get rid of both Nightshade Assassin and Trespasser il-Vec, but there was really nothing I could do to stop the leftover assault, leading to a quick defeat.
"Izzet" record: 1-2
"Izzet" record vs. Chiraag: 1-1
"Izzet" record vs. "Madness": 0-1

P.S.: Even if I had managed to kill Chiraag's Mirri the Cursed, it turned out Chiraag had another one waiting in his hand.

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