Thursday, January 31, 2008

Strength in Numbers!

Today, my "White" deck squared off against Chraag's "Madness" deck. Early in the game, every creature I played was instantly burned or killed by Chiraag's arsenol of burn/kill spells. Luckilly for me, Chiraag ran out after about a half-dozen, allowing me to build up a swarm late in the game.
"White" record: 6-2
"White" record vs. Chiraag: 2-0
"White" record vs. "Madness": 1-0

Growing Up!

Today, my "White" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Green" deck. For most of the game, I had at least five creatures, making my Fortify extremely deadly.
"White" record: 5-2
"White" record vs. Chiraag: 1-0
"White" record vs. "Green": 1-0

The Dead not Coming Back!

Yesterday, my "Elf" deck squared off against Adam's "Zombie" deck. Throughout the game, Adam's resources were limited to him getting only three lands. I built up a swarm quickly, with the help of two Imperious Perfects and an Elvish Prominade, ending the game quickly.
"Elf" record: 4-1-1
"Elf" record vs. Adam: 1-0
"Elf" record vs. "Zombie": 1-0

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Playing With Fire!

Today, my "Madness" deck squared off against Sam's "Red" deck two times. Early in the game, Sam played a Vulshock Sorcerer. This really slowed me down because all but one of the creatures I played had one toughness, making it really easy for Sam to pick them off one by one every turn. When I managed to finally play a creature with two toughness, Mirri the Cursed, Sam burned it on his following turn with his Volcanic Hammer leaving me without a creature.
"Unraveling Mind" record: 1-1
"Unraveling Mind" record vs. Sam: 0-1
"Unraveling Mind" record vs. "Red": 0-1

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Too Much to Burn!

Yesterday, my "Elf" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Madness" deck two times.

Game 1
I played too many elves to count and finished Chiraag off with a huge Heedless One. Series record: 1-0

Game 2
This time Chiraag used his Dark Withering on my Heedless One, but I still had too many elves for him to stop. Series record: 2-0

"Elf" record: 3-1-1
"Elf" record vs. Chiraag: 2-1
"Elf" record vs. "Madness": 2-0

Poisoned to Death!

Yesterday, my "Elf" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Sliver" deck. Things looked really good for me when I started the game by playing two Wellwishers, which throughout the game, gave me more than enough life. Unfortunately for me, Chiraag played both Virulent Sliver and Shifting Sliver, leaving me wide open for poison counters every turn. By the end of the game, I had 43 life, but I also had 10 poison counters.
"Elf" record: 1-1-1
"Elf" record vs. Chiraag: 0-1
"Elf" record vs. "Sliver": 0-1

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Forest Fire!

Today, my "Kithkin" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Madness" deck. The game started out looking pretty good for me when I got four kithkin out on the opening turns. The game turned sour quickly though, as my all of my creatures were burned and killed off the field, one by one. When Chiraag started to build up a swarm I had nothing left to defend myself.
"Kithkin" record: 6-1
"Kithkin" record vs. Chiraag: 0-1
"Kithkin" record vs. "Madness": 0-1

Opposite Results!

Today, my "Fungus" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Madness" deck two times.

Game 1
I enchanted my Herd Gnarr with both Verdant Embrace and Fallen Ideal, which led up to a monstrous game ending attack. Series record: 1-0

Game 2

The only fungus I played all game was Thallid Shell-Dweller, and Chiraag took it out right away with his Lightning Axe, leading to a quick loss. Series record: 1-1

"Fungus" record: 5-1
"Fungus" record vs. Chiraag: 1-1
"Fungus" record vs. "Madness": 1-1

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fire in the Labs!

Today, my "Izzet" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Madness" deck. I played an early Wee Dragonauts, but Chiraag instantly burned it with his Lightning Axe. After that, I found myself very short on creatures, which was very unfortunate because Chiraag quickly built up a swarm of four creatures, Mirri the Cursed, Nightshade Assassin, Trespasser il-Vec and Reckless Worm. I used Pyromatics to get rid of both Nightshade Assassin and Trespasser il-Vec, but there was really nothing I could do to stop the leftover assault, leading to a quick defeat.
"Izzet" record: 1-2
"Izzet" record vs. Chiraag: 1-1
"Izzet" record vs. "Madness": 0-1

P.S.: Even if I had managed to kill Chiraag's Mirri the Cursed, it turned out Chiraag had another one waiting in his hand.

Izzen't a Sliver of Hope!

Today, my "Izzet" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Sliver" deck. Early in the game, Chiraag mulliganed a hand due to a lack of the lands he needed. While Chiraag was doing this, I played a Wee Dragonauts and a Tibor and Lumia, which I attacked with each turn for direct damage. When Chiraag did play a sliver, I was able to get rid of it using my control spells. With the help of Pyromatics, I was able to push through exactly 20 damage.
"Izzet" record: 1-1
"Izzet" record vs. Chiraag: 1-0
"Izzet" record vs. "Sliver": 1-0

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today, my "Fungus" deck squared off against Sam's "Blue-Black" deck two times.

Game 1
I used Deathspore Thallid to contain Sam's swarm, then enchanted it with Verdant Embrace to attack once I had gotten rid of Sam's swarm. Series record: 1-0

Game 2
I used the same strategy as the previous game, and earned myself the same result. Series record: 2-0

"Fungus" record: 4-0
"Fungus" record vs. Sam: 3-0
"Fungus" record vs. "Blue-Black": 3-0

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today, my "Gruul" deck squared off against Karen's "Rakdos" deck. We both attempted to build up a swarm early in the game. Unfortunately for me though, my swarm was shrinking faster than growing due to Karen's abundance of kill spells. I on the other hand, didn't have nearly as many kill spells, so Karen increased her swarm of creatures almost at will. Karen's final attack included the creatures Gobhobbler Rats, Demon's Jester, Rakdos Pit Dragon and Rakdos Guildmage.
"Gruul" record: 0-1
"Gruul" record vs. Karen: 0-1
"Gruul" record vs. "Rakdos": 0-1

Friday, January 18, 2008

Madder Than Madness!

Today, my "Black" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Madness" deck. Early in the game, Chiraag had trouble playing many of his strong cards due to his lack of red mana. My deck on the other hand only needed black mana, which it got plenty. Chiraag had two Lightning Axes in his hand, but he was never able to play them since I took him out before he drew a single Mountain.
"Black" record: 4-0
"Black" record vs. Chiraag: 2-0
"Black" record vs. "Madness": 1-0

Picking on the Weak!

Today, my "Black" deck squared off against Chiraag's "Green" deck. Chiraag started out by playing three Thornweald Archers. I picked them off one by one. Chiraag responded with yet another Thornweald Archer and a Llanowar Mentor. I killed them both at once by playing my Ascendant Evincar on the following turn, since it gave all of his creatures -1/-1. Chiraag's last gasp was his Craw Giant. I dispensed of that with my 3/3 first striking Vampire Bats. After that, Chiraag was left defenseless against my attackers.
"Black" record: 3-0
"Black" record vs. Chiraag: 1-0
"Black" record vs. "Green": 1-0

Swarm Not Suspended!

Yesterday, my "Suspended Sentence" deck squared off against Karen's "White" deck. I started the game by suspending a Corpulent Corpse on turn one and an Infiltrator il-Kor on turn two. Once they got out, they almost single-handily got Karen down to 1. In the end though, Karen's swarm of six creatures ended up being too much for my mere two creatures.
"Suspended Sentence" record: 0-1
"Suspended Sentence" record vs. Karen: 0-1
"Suspended Sentence" record vs. "White": 0-1

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Protecting the Wood!

Today, my "Kithkin" deck squared off against Jared's "Azorius" deck three times.

Game 1
Jared surrendered before the game started due to bad starting hands. Series record: 1-0

Game 2
I was able to shrink Jared's strong defense with the help of my early removal spells Oblivion Ring and Crib Swap. After that, my only attacker, a 5/4 double striking, first striking, changeling Kithkin Greatheart did the rest. Series record: 2-0

Game 3
With the help of two Cloudcoat Ranger's kithkin producing ability, I swarmed Jared for the victory. Series record: 3-0

"Kithkin" record: 6-0
"Kithkin" record vs. Jared: 3-0
"Kithkin" record vs. "Azorius": 3-0

P.S.: In the second game, Kithkin Greatheart became as powerful as it was with the help of Runed Stalactite, Wizened Cenn and Battle Mastery.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Powering Up and Replenishing!

Yesterday, my "Elf" deck squared off against Jared's "Flanking" deck. Jared got off to a bad start with only two lands and was never able to recover. I, on the other hand was able to get out eighteen elves (nine were tokens from Elvish Promenade). The non-token elves included two Wellwishers and an 18/18 Heedless One. The game ended very quickly.
"Elf" record: 1-0-1
"Elf" record vs. Jared: 1-0
"Elf" record vs. "Flanking": 1-0

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Very Own Sliver!

Today, my "Kithkin" deck squared off against Adam's "Sliver" deck. Adam got a very good initial hand, but his plans were completely squelched when I played my Avian Changeling (which got all of his sliver bonuses, since it is both a sliver and a kithkin, as well as every other creature type). While my Avian Changeling kept Adam's slivers at bay, my kithkin swarmed Adam for the victory.
"Kithkin" record: 3-0
"Kithkin" record vs. Adam: 1-0
"Kithkin" record vs. "Sliver": 1-0

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Darker Than Dark!

Today, my "Black" deck squared off against Adam's "Zombie" deck. I gained a permanent advantage when I played my Demon's Horn on turn two (we were both playing with pure black decks). For the rest of the game, we traded blows, but unlike Adam, I had life to spare.
"Black" record: 2-0
"Black" record vs. Adam: 2-0
"Black" record vs. "Zombie": 1-0

Killing Everything!

Today, my "Black" deck squared off against Adam's "Time" deck. In the early game, I used my many kill spells to stop Adam's early suspend wave of creatures. I followed with a swarm of my own creatures and Adam had nothing left to stop them.
"Black" record: 1-0
"Black" record vs. Adam: 1-0
"Black" record vs. "Time": 1-0

Peaceful Victory!

Today, my "Kithkin" deck squared off against Sam's "Elf" deck two times.

Game 1
Sam played two lands all game, leading to an easy victory. Series record: 1-0

Game 2
I took out Sam's big threats with Oblivion Ring and Crib Swap. Wizened Cenn supercharged my horde of Kithkin for another victory for the village!

"Kithkin" record: 2-0
"Kithkin" record vs. Sam: 2-0
"Kithkin" record vs. "Elf": 2-0

Pointy Teeth Over Pointy Ears!

Today, my "Goblin Burn" deck squared off against Sam's "Elf" deck two times.

Game 1
Sam had no chance. Everything he played was quickly taken out with my loads of burn spells. Series record: 1-0

Game 2
Sam managed to play two Llanowar Elves, three Wellwishers and one Elvish Pioneer, all with one Forest! His mana problems caught up to him though, because he had nothing left to play after I stopped his early threats. I killed him with a 21/21 Clickslither. Series record: 2-0

"Goblin Burn" record: 3-1
"Goblin Burn" record vs. Sam: 2-0
"Goblin Burn" record vs. "Elf": 2-0

Never Ending!

Today, my "Elf" deck squared off against Sam's "Elf" deck. Both of us got out early Wellwishers and a ton of other elves, making it impossible for either of us to win. It was declared a draw.
"Elf" record: 0-0-1
"Elf" record vs. Sam: 0-0-1
"Elf" record vs. "Elf": 0-0-1

Delaying the Inevitable!

Today, my "Blue" deck squared off against Adam's "Modular" deck. Just like the game when my "Blue" deck played against Jared's "Rakdos" deck, I controlled my opponent, but was killed after I ran out of control spells.
"Blue" record: 0-2
"Blue" record vs. Adam: 0-1
"Blue" record vs. "Modular": 0-1

Race to the Kill!

Today, my "Goblin Burn" deck squared off against Adam's "Goblin" deck. To make a long story short, this game was a race to the finish. To make a long story even shorter, Adam won the race.
"Goblin Burn" record: 1-1
"Goblin Burn" record vs. Adam: 0-1
"Goblin Burn" record vs. "Goblin": 0-1